- Do you feel like donating the newspaper to the guy shitting along the railway lines, cos it would be put to better use?
- Do you feel like pelting a stone at
the TV whenever you hear the screaming and yelling on the news channels?
You aren't alone buddy. All of us
are sailing in the same boat. Here we are, pulling our hair over the daily
dramas with the Bai, knocking our heads off over bossy bosses, going bonkers
over the traffic, trying to breathe through the mouth cos the compartment’s
full of sweaty fellas. After such a khatarnaak
day, when we turn to the Khabars for
relaxation, what do we get? Loads of shit.
The overly exhausting and unreasonably stressful life becomes brutally torturous. Grim unbearable and unfortunate state of affairs. Who wants to be greeted with that on a daily basis?
I was no different. I had started hating picking up the newspaper or scouting for news on the internet. Until one fine day, when I realised that newspapers are no less a source of comedy and relaxation. Don’t believe me? Check out these real headlines.