Friday 20 November 2015

Life's A Messi Motor!

WHO ………….

When it comes to exhibiting power, no other title in the world can match this one. The power to change moods, the power to change the tones of a tea party, the power to play mind-games. Hell yeah! The MiL. For the ignorant men, that means the classic Mother in Law.

You can love her, you can hate her, but you just cannot ignore her. It all begins from day one. They tell you, you are embarking on a new journey, not just with the guy, but the whole family, blah blah. They could cut the crap, and keep it simple. ‘You are entering the MiL space, good luck with that!

Well, the humour and puns on this kind of a subject - not today. This one’s a heartfelt post. I’m supposed to pen down my thoughts about someone who’s undeniably #madeofgreat. And I surprised myself with the name that sprung to my mind. I could’ve written about my superhero – my dad, my shrine – my grandpa, my bestie - my mom, my love – my hubby, but that would’ve been unfair to this Iron Lady.

WHY ………….

It all began in the English summer of 2008. We were in London back then and my in-laws were visiting. They spent a month in the Queen’s land, and since it was their first visit, they made the most of it. The hubby’s elder brother, a doctor, is settled in the UK. And the in-laws visit to England would thus encompass a lot of family time, and getting together. On one such day, he advised MiL to get herself tested on her return to India, a full health check. He had some doubts.

You would know from your experience with your parents, their own health is the last on their priority list. So the tests were done at leisure. After constant pressure from the UK. And as luck would have it, she was detected with ovarian cancer, which had spread to other organs as well.

The doctors advised a surgery. A significant part of her large intestine was removed. And she had to undergo chemotherapy post-surgery.  I still remember how shocked and gloomy the hubby was when the news reached him. And the person who consoled him was none other than his mother. In fact she was the one who would tell everyone, that she was going to be perfectly fit and fine. She would cheer up visitors and lighten up the atmosphere. She fought bravely and drove away the beastly disease.

Life got back to normal, cos she ensured that it would. But only until the fag end of 2009 when cancer knocked her door once again. This time around the body part attacked was different, yet the fear in everyone’s mind, the atmosphere was unchanged. But so was her attitude. The same positivity, the same fighting spirit, throughout the chemo sessions that she underwent.

She was cured yet again. There was another attempt at starting life on a fresh note, with zeal. The daily grind began and so did the out-of-ordinary stuff. Trips to England continued.

And just when things had started getting back on track, life threw another shock her way in the form of another recurrence. She fought again and survived again, the smile and optimism intact.

THEN ………….

When my toddler arrived in our lives, he proved to be a source of joy not just to his parents, but his two sets of grandparents, aunts, uncles, the whole family. All illnesses and troubles were forgotten. Everybody revisited childhood once again.

My parents had thrown a big party for the little angel when he was 6 months old. And one of the people, who were at the forefront, beaming with joy and in full spirits, was the lady in question. Nobody would’ve guessed that here was a woman who had suffered so much lately, not once, not twice, but thrice.

After the in-laws visit to Singapore around summer this year, I mentioned to the hubby that MiL looked very exhausted. And we attributed it to the flurry of trips they’d been doing of late. Singapore, UK, trips within India, plus a marriage in the family recently. If only, life’s answers were that simple.

My phone rang early morning that day, a couple of months later, much before the sun’s rays hit the grounds in India. A call at unruly hours, from elders living far off, not something you look forward to. And this call was no different. MiL had been admitted to the hospital on an emergency basis. She had been vomiting incessantly. The surgery that she had undergone on her first encounter with cancer had played havoc with her digestive system. Another surgery was imperative.

Its funny how this one seemed like a cakewalk relatively, to all of us. It was only because of the confidence that this woman had instilled in everyone’s minds over the years. Nobody said it aloud, but everyone knew that she would sail through this one. Of course she did.


Life goes on. The routine continues. But without any drudgery, or pessimism, or even complaints. What her body and mind has been through is left to one’s conjecture.

I sometimes wonder if I could’ve survived these kinds of battles. If I could’ve gone head to head with destiny and made it bow down on its knees. I do not know the answer to that yet. But I know for sure now, that if you’re determined and positive, if you’re a fighter and, if you believe in yourself, you can pen down your own future.

PS. Lets end on a lighter note, shall we? Here’s a Giveaway. You, my readers, answer the following question, “What do you think of Tata Motors’ association with Lionel Messi?” and you stand a chance to win an Amazon Voucher worth Rs.750 from Tata Motors. Last date of submission: 26th November – 11.59 pm IST. Good luck.    


Gauri said...

Wow! That is certainly an amazing story. Your MiL's optimism certainly drove away her illness. Bravo to her!

As for my thoughts on Tata Motors association with football great Lionel Messi, both are well established brands BOLTing ahead of competition which is an INDICAtion of their ZEST for reaching the upper echelons of success by exhibiting constant zeal from the word (INDI)GO.

If you haven't already, do hop over to my blog and share your thoughts on my post


An amazing story. Very well written.

Unknown said...

Wow! Hats off to your Mil! Surviving four major surgeries with a smile...not at all easy.
Bet she is an Iron lady. A very inspiring post Leena. Thanks for sharing..did I read something about saas vs bahu?

Unknown said...

Hey Gauri,thanks for your sweet words. And the smart take on the Tata-Messi alliance :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Jamshed! Glad you liked it.

RioZee said...

Yes, really well narrated epic story. I feel the battle to survive and that also cancer is really one tough task. Really #madeofgreat. Kudos.
As to question of Lionel Messi, my opinion stands unchanged to opinionating that Tata Motors are lucky to have got hold of this great man really #madeofgreat, who battled his childhood with disease to overcome it and become the world's greatest sportsman.

Unknown said...

Somali, thanks dear. Such sweet words from friends mean a lot.
And as regards the Saas-Bahu drama, I wish there was some ;-)

Unknown said...

Thanks a ton Rio for those encouraging words. Welcome to my blog, and thanks for participating :)


Good Morning Leena. First of all, I would like to convey my Best Regards to your MIL. Next hearty ' All The Best 'wishes from me and my family for her Forever.

My thought about Tata Motors' association with Loinel Messi: Brand Tata is the household name synonymous with Topnotch quality ,High-end Technology, Service with Smile, Trusted for generations , Truthful to the core , Corporate Social Responsibility is Tata's signature endeavor. Lionel Messi's Fame , Popularity achieved through his Exceptional Talent , Persistent Practice , Dedication and Discipline combined with Tata's will be empowering to the Indian Sports and Industry.

Sunita Sriram said...

Wow..your MIL's story is one of grit and determination, the ordeals of cancer and its aftermath can well be felt in your post. Hats off to her!

Another story of true grit and determination is the one of Lionel Messi and Tata motors, a team that can weather any storm and come out victorious!

Hema said...

Nice Post.. :-) Coming to the answer:

Not all the man are reaching the peak in life. Lionel Messi did it. Not all the companies are attracted by the customers. Tata motors achieved it. So, how about the collaboration between them? Their match becomes so perfect. How many same characteristics? Perseverance, hard work, simple, gentle and so on. Hence, they both are a true examples for #madeofgreat.

Unknown said...

Thanks Sujata! Good wishes from well-wishers always motivate. Welcome to my blog and thanks for your comment :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for your kind words Sunita! And for participating in the contest.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your participation Hema, and I'm glad you liked the post. Welcome to my blog :)

Betuke Khyal said...

I liked your post very much.

As for my comment on the association of Tata Motors with Lionel Messi:

A genius is someone who combines excellence in performance with finesse and inspires awe and respect from the others. Lionel Messi does it so often on the soccer field, which finds a parallel in the field of automobiles in Tata Motors.

Unknown said...

An inspiring story of a truly remarkable person!
Thanks for sharing!

Rat said...

Sure your MiL is an iron lady. Very inspiring person.. and a perfect ode. Hats off to her. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comment Ashwini and for the participation :)

Unknown said...

The pleasure was mine Savita! Glad you liked it.

Unknown said...

Thanks for those sweet words Meera dear :)

Alok singhal said...

Such an inspiring read this is...a lot to learn from her.

Glad you shared, Leena!

sujata sengupta said...

very inspiring indeed, especially coming from the daughter in law :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Alok! She's truly been an inspiration.

Unknown said...

Hehe, I know exactly what you mean Sujata :)

Katie said...

Leena, what a woman your mother-in-law is. I was in awe reading about her grit and determination. Actually she has won over her disease while many of us succumb. Great to know about her.

Tata motors has withstood time and strived to give us value for money. A look at the budget cabs and we know it belongs to Tata Motors. It has the capability for rough use and is easily maintainable. Look at Messi, he too has worked very hard to be where he is, a matter of sheer hard efforts and never say die attitude. A perfect combination that makes India proud and every Indian swell with pride


Unknown said...

A very nice write up Leena..
And about the association of tata motors n Lionel Messi, both are the big names though associated with different fields but are the best to rely upon. Their association defines the quality, faith and trust which is hard to break.

Please spare your time and comment on my blog post as well to win Amazon voucher.

Nandhini said...

Here's somebody who had the guts to call her MIL made of great! For that very reason, first of all, she must be truly made of great. For all her endurance, I wish her good health and peaceful old age. When I read your post, I realized that for all such difficult times that elders undergo, perhaps, girls of our generation must give up those petty quarrels with them.

I was moved when I heard about Messi's other side of having been selected as the goodwill ambassador by UNICEF for supporting lives of children across the globe. Not only is he a soccer legend but also a wonderful human by virtue! Tata Motors has brought several dreams of middle class citizens alive with their most affordable car in the world, Nano. Behind Nano's making, there was certainly a touch of humanity. I believe, with what drives them from within, as individuals, they are sure to create something great for the future of the world. Not to exaggerate, but Messi's words during the event, "Namaste India" has certainly rang a new moment in the history of India!

Nandhini Chandrasekaran

Pramod said...

What a fighter your Mil is! I had a similar experience in 2008 when my 13 year old daughter was diagnosed with blood cancer. And she could beat the dreaded disease simply because of her absolute positive attitude and fighting spirit. She remains my source of inspiration in every critical life situation.

Now the answer to the question.

When two greats in their respective fields join hands the result is bound to be greater. Tata Motors with Messi as brand ambassador is definitely soaring to the pinnacle of glory. Let us expect the next beast from Tata's stable to hit the Indian roads to be the greatest.

Please do visit my blog and put your valuable comments

Nalini said...

That's a witty title. What began as a light post gradually turned heavier. May the iron lady reconstruct herself completely.

Ypur story reminds me something I'd read about Messi. He had a growth hormone deficiency in his childhood. For the sports legend he is today, I guess none can believe this. His passion for football must have been so great that he could outgrew this condition. And why?! Tata Indica, Tata’s first passaenger car, initially faced huge criticism. Still, Tata Motors could make it as one of the best selling cars in India! Some stories move us, from within, don't they?! Their association certainly promises something far greater than what we’ve witnessed so far!

Sreedhar Bhattaram said...

'Optimistic Outlook' is the Phrase I use here when one is determined to fight for a cause, whatever it be.. When that happens, enormous energies pour out and the entire Nature gears up to help out the person in that direction.. Nature ever supports the strong in mind and never a weakling as the strong alone can do a certain good in the situation but never, never a weak personality or a man of infirmity.. Thanks for a sharing a such a good Post on your Mother-in-Law bringing out her determination in life.. Such personalities around are forever our guide in facing the problems of life and molding accordingly!

Cifar said...

It is difficult to keep composure during tough times, truly and inspiring lady.

Lionel Messi is an international brand like Tata Motors. Both Tata Motors and Messi are driven by promise to perform best. I think they are perfect match for each other. Both are equally famous among masses and classes. Messi having different play shots in his bucket and Tata Motors have vehicles from economical Nano to Luxurious Sedans. There association is like cherry on the cake. Messi's arrival have added 'Char Chand' to Tata Motors.

My #madeofgreat post: The Teacher From Bihar

Unknown said...

Thats true Katie! Thanks for your comment.

Unknown said...

Thank you Sapna. Glad you liked it. I surely will.

Unknown said...

Nandhini, thanks for the appreciation, and for stopping by :)

Unknown said...

Wow Pramod! Hats off to your daughter! Best wishes to her and to the family.

Unknown said...

Thank you Nalini. I'm glad you noticed the title :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Mr.Sreedhar. Very-well put!

Unknown said...

Yes Cifar, it sure is. Thanks!

Sumandebray said...

It’s an inspiring story of strength and resilience. It can only come from strong self-belief and equally strong family support system. We wish her a healthy life henceforth. I find a connection in her life story and that of Tata motor who has fought against all odd to establish the family car. They had to struggle through the eighties and nineties with various statutory permissions despite being industry leaders but never gave up.
Messi’s greatness compliments that of Tata motors as they both prove Aristotle right by repeatedly doing what they do best and today excellence for this duo is not a choice but just a habit. The meeting between greats always create miracle. We are ready for it and from tomorrow we all shall believe in miracles.

Arti said...

What a wonderful blessing to come across such awe-inspiring people in our life who teach us to embrace life with all its ups and downs and live it to the fullest. Thanks for sharing this beautiful inspiration, Leena, hats off to your MIL and all best wishes to her.

About tata motors association with Messi - looks like its an amalgamation of 2 giants of the living world... got to be insanely magical!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your wishes Suman, mean a lot!

Unknown said...

Very sweet of you Arti,I surely shall convey your wishes.

KickUpstairs said...

Dear Leena,

I am overwhelmed by your these lines " if you’re a fighter and, if you believe in yourself, you can pen down your own future". Life is full of problems and hindrances but the only thing is required the power to face them without leaving your self confidence and faith in God.

Now my answer to your question:
Tata Motors has earned the goodwill from giving the best and innovative Automobiles and it is also known as one the best Automobile Manufactures. And if you see the Lionel Messi , his throughout dedication, zeal , targeted goal of life and technically soundness make him big, achiever and remarkable position in the world.
As per me, the association of Tata Motors and Messi is a grand amalgamation of two legendary entities of the world, and their amalgamation will definitely break down the clutters and affect the cut throat competition of Tata Motors. Tata motors will sure get a huge preference by the fans of Messi. This will sure make a record of Tata motors in the world of production or may be the highest selling automobiles.
Tata motor’s main target is to give an impression on the large amount of crowd and this can be achieved only through the Messi, because the youth generation is crazy for MESSI and this can be smart move and a great achievement for Tata Motors they positioned MESSI as their BRAND AMBASSADOR .
In the nutshell, Tata Motors , Messi joining hands will definitely give more soundness in technicality of promotional strategies and Messi’s influence will influence the audience for choosing Tata Motors and expand the business drastically.

alok said...

Hi Leena,
Indeed a nicely written post. I wish you good luck for the contest
Here is my answer
The association of Tata Motors with Lionel Messi is that of two greats. Lionel Messi has been exceptionally talented who with his hard work, determination and sacrifices has got better and tougher in his chosen sport so is the Image, reputation and quality of TATA Motors that have transformed brilliant ideas into masterpieces of engineering and created a brand and products that we are so proud of as Indians. Lionel Messi has transformed his body and the mind body co-ordination into a masterpiece of precision and excellence it would not be wrong to say that Lionel Messi is the TATA Motors of sports where as TATA Motors is the Lionel Messi of vehicles both giants in their own spheres driven by the drive to excel and lead by example. So Lionel Messi is the best choice for becoming the brand Ambassador for TATA Motors

Mahima said...

Your post defines #madeofgreat to the hilt. Goodluck for the contest
My answer is:
Authenticity, reliability, simplicity, as well as its commitment to innovation are the pillars of strength on which TATA have built a brand that has put India on the global map. It is a brand that has stood the test of time just like Lionel Messi who tackles opposition on the field with his skill,agility,strategy,brilliance and raw power to reach and score a goal so has been the track record of TATA motors who has become a brand leader and a global giant. These qualities make TATA Motors and Lionel Messi perfect partners who stand for the same set of values thus Lionel Messi is the perfect brand ambassador to represent TATA Motors.
Hope my best to be a winner here; do contact me for the prize at
fingers crossed

khushi said...

The moment i clicked on "Read more", somewhere i was expecting a story around the mundane cribbing and Saas- bahu drama; but to my surprise the post was full of hard-earned respect and love. And the perfect nick name - "IronLady". Definitely she is one!

Hope she is doing well now.

And hats off to you, for putting up the write-up in a simple way which could have been sensitive otherwise.


Unknown said...

Your post describes #madeofgreat so well that it has winner written all over it. Good luck for your entry.
Here is my answer.
Like minds think and act alike looking at the track record of TATA Motors it has stood the test of time and built a business that was built using bricks of hard work on a foundation of trust. Authenticity, reliability, simplicity, as well as its commitment to innovation are the trademarks of brand TATA Motors. These same qualities are present in Lionel Messi who with his immense talent has made a mark for himself on the international football field .Facing all hardships he has worked hard toiling on the fields and in training sessions facing injuries and pressure to come out trumps and be a winner. Thus these two greats Lionel Messi and TATA Motors are made for each other .There association is a bond of two legends
In case you pick me a winner my email id is :
Fingers crossed :)

bhuwan said...

Your post defines #madeofgreat in a awesome manner.Very well written and interesting post indeed.
My Answer
Tata Motors is a brand that makes durable vehicles, with its MADE IN INDIA mark makes every Indian proud. It is a brand seen globally as Trusted, Reliable, Innovative and at the forefront of technology. In its journey since inception it has overcome all odds, competition, and adversities with grit and determination. These same qualities are associated with Lionel Messi who was very talented and hardworking from a very early age. With each game that he played he kept improving his skills and built a career to become one of the best player of professional football. There qualities make both TATA Motors and Lionel Messi giants who perfectly compliment each other and Lionel Messi the right and perfect Ambassador who stands for the same values that TATA Motors does.

Unknown said...

Thanks Bhawna! And thanks for participation.

Unknown said...

Thanks Alok! Glad you liked it :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for those sweet words Khushi!

Unknown said...

Thanks Mahima for the participation.

Unknown said...

Thank you Hema. And thanks Bhuwan!

Unknown said...

Thanks Yagnesh!

Anonymous said...

well written blogpost!

Unknown said...

Thanks and welcome to my blog!